Akashka journeys

first step in honouring you

After reaching out with your intent i will pre diagnose energetical availability and i will be truthful about the “fit” being right as i want to make sure Akashka is right for you.

According to prediagnosis and premediumship i can offer you my feeling as to how to journey together and tailor your experiences accordingly and we take it step by step according to your souls essential need, truth seeking want.

For some , receiving one, one to one, integrative session is the moment they need for a boost in their life and personal direction. For others a mentoring through soul connectedness is wished for and for many workshops are a desired way forward to connect to personal enlightenement within a special reduced community of high awareness. I am here to provide all these options

1:1 magic

Truth is multilayered and expressed from the moment an INTENTION is agreed upon.

Thus your will is key. I will be honouring, deciphering, relating… and your receptivity will facilitate this. Regardless there is a “ anything can happen” energy upon our meet that is unavoidable regardless of the ferocity of your intention.

Akashka is expressed as a time feeling soul specialist related to TRUE reconnection.

As mentioned, I have been trained by my galactic guides and energetical surgery mediumship to remove core codes of suffering. Yet the way we relate to them is key. Unlocking our connected/ disconnected relating patterns is EVERYTHING. This is one of akashkas main narratives:

I see and hold the codes up to your true self and your soul informs on what you activate , deactivate and renew in the way you relate to your being and your conscious intent. I have witnessed miracles .

There is no other way of describing this privilege . Removing the control we have normalized over our souls and claiming back our command over ourself enables a life that is REAL. Less illusions, less distortions… A new perspective on normalized “suffering” for seeds, light bearers, women, unions...

Unique gaya infused Connectedness sessions

Pillar 1 : Through gaya you are seen and our portal work is enabled and supported

Pillar 2: Through gaya you will be healed as i channel frequency calibrations with her and the downloads are even clearer and more dynamic as she accompanies the process

Pillar 3: Through gaya you are loved. I will convey messages from her to yourself. Akashka journeying with gaya particularly fuels the experience of respecting your own attunement with her. Therefore step one and two allow for you to trust in this implicitly.

Through gaya cosmic work can be “pillared”. she is in need of it as you loving yourself means loving her into the possibilities your seed contains within your essence.

Connectedness as a practice to self, gaya and soul will form part of you. These are one in the same

A deeper look at the magic of your Akashka journey: 

Comprehending the timelessness of Akashka is comprehending that your truth will speak to me timelessly within the investment i will describe below.

Upon the preliminary agreement of a session via telephone/ email etc.. i will start being in service in the following:

a)Guide influence, messaging and even embodiment ( spirits with messages through varying channels and intensity),

b)Intense physical somatic pre coding ( I will feel the information  you are meant to know and unconsciously begin a deep healing)

c) Precise emotional relating ( i will be responding to reality as you feel it), so by the time we meet I will have traversed many a process and related with you more than I may be able to describe but you will then feel in your personal way.

In essence i enact and experience the intricasies of soul truth urging to be “seen”. Then depending on awareness and availability we can uncover them together.

Painting mediumship

Special akashka feature session

This unique service enhances the reconnection of self to soul in the cosmic context . This enables receiving ones codes timelessly in the language of cosmic guides with layered and dynamic messaging i would also record . You will be shown how to communicate with your codes and how to relate that i will also channel for them. it includes a soul reading and a restoration process ocurring as a medium through the painting process . this has been a favourite especially in holland. Divination occurs through it as well as access to inter-dimensional lives you live.

You may see your guides, family, origins, healing depicted or be surprised by a completely new take on yourself particular emphasis on your beauty!

As language can be too stifeling a way to express multilayered relationship based truths when i started channeling in codes, symbols this naturally explained my art work into the purposefulness of painting mediumship. the right hemisphere, the intutiive self, the higher reasoning and soul are much more involved in this way of interacting. from the painting we relate and from it you receive multiple channelings from different modalities to honour you.

a little more on our purposeful gatherings

These are the cyclic workshops offered yet as the energies of awareness elevate so can the information provided in its specificity for seeds . There is more need in topics such as cosmic realities and narcissim as well as re interpreting the “mother” from a starseed perspective…

Archetype sacred femenine gatherings:

The archetype will present itself through me and in ceremony we will honour the truth she seeds from within you. You will leave having been in touch with messaging from your own higher wisdom and the guide of the particular femenine you most need.

The akashka experience embues this archetypal work with individualised readings of the soul in resonance to the channeled being as well as a galactic perspective upon the archetype in relation to your soul.

the starseed and love

The love dynamics in Akashka services are spoke from frequency, soul safety and trust and honouring of seed and mission within it.

Ceremonial gatherings will be held to divulge the femenine and her relationships as a seed. The pattern of lessons that enable a clear depicting of essence value.

starseed worshops

Sacred starseed gatherings as well as one-to-one work to honour what your soul wishes thus honouring within my gaze i will see the “essence” and soul health. the format of there will depend on seeds present wether it be constelation based, mentoring, pure downloading but i will invest in expressing truths to liberate…

mediumship for perinatal truths 

Consult on the specialised channeling for future child frequency , seen truths, honouring, family messages , cosmic downloads that will honour your future family etc…

I wish to honour the mother and soul you are a channel and nurturer for and make sure YOU as a mother are nurtured on this deep loving level. one of my most touching experiences on this earth. we can be creative and include gaya, creative expression, systemically influenced gazes to honor you in your special time.

Also in the form of workshops. Details to be disclosed when the right moment is felt.

Estimated Pricing

Distance preliminary session: 850sek ( including channeled reccomendation for soul needs and rituals and ore analysis of the soul that are required to be honoured so as to enable true receptivity/ availability for Akashka journeying)

All distance services including home analysis or one to one are upon consultation.

Painting mediumship as specialised distance service including channeling and ressources is worth 3500sek. Painting medisumhip includes a digital copy of painting, all channelings taped, written, recorded in any fashion , a follow up on connectedness process from afar after receiving package in order to honour process. This is an exclusive service and includes all services of an individual session plus an inmortalised depiction of a channeling

One to One soul session (in person): 2550sek ( including symbols and codes channeled for further usage approx 2.5 hours in duration)

online price is adapted to context

One to One mentoring sessions to sustain soul truth into a life path ( including a certain number of one to one sessions and intermediary follow ups) pricing upon consultation depending on type of accompaniment eg family, relationship, personal . adjustment of price according to type pf support.

In person Workshops : 1850 sek , approx 3 hours duration. (including a preliminary session to ascertain one is honoured in workshop)

** there is consideration for certain personal factors in accordance to pricing including geography, socio economic possibilities and sustainability of a process, ascertained on contact of course