you need not enlighten, just remember

You are a message, a truth, within a being. a message to be read and honoured . You are a truth to be seen and deeply cherished. If not you are an unsung melody, one that gaya would depend on to know how to keep vibrating and without it informs her it is that much more difficult to truly “be” . You are her hope. You matter that much.


your sense of time is a sense of connectedness

Your natural need for time to hold space for your sensitivty, rest, integration ought to be honoured above the external demands upon your being lest you wish to burn out by the very part of you that ought to shine


learning about the impact of your words, your silence, your limits, your love

conveyed to another form self and vice versa will be the difference between you adjusting, hedging or BEING.

there is a specific reason for the particular difficulties you have had in relating and they are directly linked to the particualr gifts potentially repressed, asleep, wounded within you.

if we uncover these we uncover how you threated the “ill” by accessing these as part of you and the suffering will begin to make sense from a deep space


As a seed when you live in a lie you embody the lie that demotes your truth enacted in many ways throughout your life. your truth is so important that if you don´t mother it it will be targeted until you believe you are the problem when you are the answered prayer for the world.

your portals claimed as bearers of truth and explored exclusively in the reaches of your own will lead to an activated matured seed who has learned the power of self.


new wave : gold, emerald...